Ace ESP Sensor

ACE ESP sensor is ESP manufacturer agnostic. It has a unique design which allows it to be re-run in a hole without the need for service and repair. Patented enhanced electric protection makes the sensor invincible even to a catastrophic motor failure.
Discharge Tubing Assemblies
If a dual pressure sensor is used, then a discharge pressure assembly is also required. Discharge assemblies are available in 2-3/8" 8 RND-EUE, 2-7/8" 8 RND-EUE, 3-1/2" 8 RND-EUE, and 4-1/2” 8 RND-EUE sizes.
The SRU2i provides more advanced functionality than the basic SRU. It may be used with any of the downhole sensor options. In addition to all the functionality of the SRU, SRU2i can provide the downhole data to additional devices via industry standard Modbus RS-232 and RS-485 ports (both optically isolated). Another built-in interface is provided, which connects directly to the ICON industry standard motor controller, and with a suitable adapter cable, it can connect to the older generation legacy Commander/F5 series controllers. The SRU2i also includes Ethernet and USB connectivity, user programmable relays, analog outputs and unlimited datalogging for all reading using removable SD date cards.
Portable Surface Readout Unit (PSRU)
The ACE portable surface readout unit consists of a robust, portable case containing a built in SRU along with additional components to allow testing from the wellhead all the way back to the VSD.
Mini Sim
The miniSIM simulates a sensor to allow quick and easy verification of all surface equipment.
Boot Removal Tool
After being downhole under high pressure and temperature it may be difficult to remove the connecting boots from the signal lead and temperature sensor.
Megger Test Leads
The Megger test cable incorporates a resistor that prevents the ACE sensor high Voltage protection circuit from triggering during Megger tests with certain brands of insulation testers.
The SRU3i is a new, high speed direct interface between all ACE high reliability, high performance sensors and the GCS drive.
ADCM is part of the surface readout unit page and stands for Advanced Data Communications Module.
The ADCM is an interface that will directly replace the Baker Hughes RDCM module. It ma be used with third party sensors or any Modbus device such as a flowmeter, allowing the device to interface directly into a VSD. The ADCM operates by impersonating a RDCM module but with more intelligence. The VSD will display readings as it registers as if they came from an RDCM.
Surface Readout - Standard Unit
Surface Readout (SRU) This may be used with any of the downhole sensor options. The surface device serves several functions. First, it provides signal power to the downhole device, decodes and verifies encrypted information from the downhole unit and then displays the results on an alpha-numeric LED Display